Benefits of Physical Activity at Camp
As we prepare for another wonderful summer, we’re excited to share how camp promotes physical growth—not just through outdoor activities but through the unique experience of living and playing in community.
Getting Ready for Camp
Camp is a place full of firsts—first time away from home, first time climbing a high ropes course, first time meeting new friends outside of school, first time making a bed, and first time handling morning and bedtime routines on their own.
Mental Growth at Camp
Mental growth—building resilience, independence, leadership, and curiosity—is one of the core values we focus on at camp, all within the framework of the “Four-Fold Life.”
The Great Commandment
Camp Winnataska offers campers a place not only to have fun, but to grow in ways that stay with them for a lifetime. Central to this growth is the “Four-Fold Life”—mental, physical, social, and spiritual development—a principle that we embrace at camp.
Growing in Faith and Confidence
I was a camper, served as a Leader, staff member, Program Specialist, in the office, Weekly Director and now as Camp Director. As the Camp Director, my goal is always to provide your child with a safe and fun week growing in their faith and confidence to try new things.